Refund payment:

+ we guaranteed if you did not get what you need within 2 weeks, we guarantee you can refund your payments.

We are committed to the right of full refund, if you any addition issue with our team, you are free to communicate directly with techno invention founder:



Common questions:


1. General Questions

What Is techno invention?

techno invention is a software company where an individual can get a vast range of services. Here, we have the set-up of qualified experts who are all time ready to help you out with your projects. 

Why Choose techno invention?

What Make Our Clients Rely on Our Service:

Premium Quality Work: We guarantee that our completed project will be high quality and as per your instructions. Briefly, irrespective of the hefty deadline and specifications, you will receive the exclusive follow-up. 

24/7 Support: We remain available all the time for our customers. So, you can feasibly contact us whenever you have a query. 

Required Area Masters:  As we promise exceptional work, none of our experts has less experience than five years. 

Money-Back Guarantee: We return the individual’s 100% money if his/her work doesn’t meet his directions.

What Are Your Services?

Our services are given below:

  • designs
  • coding
  • Custom Solutions
  • 3d modeling
  • Branding 

2. Order & Delivery

How Long Will It Take to Complete My Project?

We are familiar with the significance of time and always accomplish the project right on the deadline, yet certain factors are included for the project’s timely completion. Sometimes, a client doesn’t deliver us the referral material on time and often the customer doesn’t respond to the expert timely. In short, it’s completely up to clients whether they want to accomplish their projects promptly or not because our company wants to finalize the project on schedule so that it can proceed to the next ones. 

How to Make an Order?

The following is our order procedure:

Click the Order Button: As you click the order button that is available on the upper side of our website page, a form will appear here. Fill the form according to your requisite; e.g., 

– Your Name

– Contact

– Project Type

– Deadline

– Instructions

The individual should fill the “instructions section” carefully so that he/she can get the project in accord with the requirements. One can also discuss with the support team in case of any missing point but please on TIME because as you place the order, our experts begin to work on it. 

Discussion Section:  As we receive a form, the designer/programmer contacts the client and discusses his/her project in detail so that he can completely follow the customer’s instructions. 

Receive the Order:  The webmaster sets up to frame the task after the entire clearance. After the project’s completion and its testing, it’s delivered to the client.  

Can I Hire This Service for an Urgent Order?

As described earlier, we have a team of experts related to our defined services. The individual can make an urgent order at our platform. We guarantee that the project will be completed exactly in the committed time frame. However, the project completion also depends on its nature like there is an extensive amount of research required for the development of different projects. So, it’s requested to our users that please place the order time to get the job accomplished properly.

3. Expert Information

Who Will Accomplish My Job?

Most of our new clients ask this question that is absolutely justifiable because it’s the matter of their businesses. All of our designers and developers are skilled and experienced and have a complete know-how of their fields. We guarantee that you will be 100% satisfied with our experts’ performance. In addition, you can check our Portfolio that is available on our website and hire our service after the entire personal satisfaction.  

Will I Directly Communicate with the Expert?

Our clients have direct communication with the expert to overcome any sort of ambiguity in the project completion. Once the expert frames the initial draft, he calls the customer to have a look at it. If the client approves the first fixture, it’s all right; otherwise, the expert carries on to the next one, yet 94% of customers get satisfied with the first draft. Our clients’ feedback matters to us, so please inform your ideas/opinion to the designer/developer clearly to get an elegant and innovative version.  

What If I Am Not Satisfied with My Assigned Expert?

All of our experts deeply understand clients’ needs and carry out their tasks in line with their directives. However, if someone still isn’t satisfied with the assigned expert, he/she can complain to the support manager who will change the designer/programmer within minutes. However, this type of complaint never ever gets registered in our organization’s history but we have this feature for our client’s satisfaction.

4. Project Quality & Satisfaction

How You Ensure Quality in Your Work?

It’s mentioned multiple times earlier that we have a long list of satisfied clients and our company falls in the top-notch services of the world and really, we’ve gained this reputation after tireless work. We value our clients’ trust in us and are committed to maintaining the same level of acknowledgment in the future that is only possible by keeping on our words and fulfilling our clients’ expectations. Our SQAs team thoroughly evaluates the project’s quality and we convey the project after its entire quality assurance.

What Is Your Project Completion Procedure?

We are aware of how it’s a troubling task to rely on an unknown person for the project’s completion. The individual can read the following points if he/she is in doubt regarding our service performance. 


As one makes the order, our operation team starts to search for experts related to the customer’s specifications. Within minutes, the team assigns the task to the expert. The developer begins to study the customer’s directions and has communication with the consumer for further clearance. The client can directly communicate with our expert if he/she feels the need for it. 


In the next step, the webmaster thoroughly researches the assignment. He discusses with the client the condition of any required changes in his directions. After discussing every minor point linked with the project and getting the customer’s approval, the developer carries out the next procedure.  


Here, the web administrator develops the project gradually. The client is notified concerning his job’s going-on on a daily basis. One can also ask any sort of query from customer support if it’s requisite. 


To overcome any type of error, we have set up a team of SQAs (software quality assurance). As the task gets finalized, the team entirely evaluates the project’s quality. The job is delivered to the customer after 100% quality assurance. In case of an inaccuracy in the database, the team resolves it and provides a perfectly organized and well-structured outcome. 


The individual receives his/her job right on the committed time frame. Please don’t forget to remark our service if you get content with assistance because it’s your review that encourages us to keep up. 

Will You Update Me Daily?

The individual can ask any question at any time and resolve his/her query. However, we also update our clients about the project’s proceedings on a daily basis. 

What If I AM Not Satisfied with Your Service?

As mentioned earlier, we don’t compromise on quality at any cost. However, we will refund 100% payment if one’s work isn’t as per the assigned agreement. 

Do You Revise the Project After Deployment?

First of all, we are so confident in our experts’ performance that any such instance is highly impossible. We take every new project with a challenge and don’t compromise on its quality. However, if one wants to modify the project that hardly happens, we’ll revise the project. The individual needs to provide us the solid reason/proof for the project revision and we’ll carry out the job; otherwise, we won’t follow up on the revision request.

5. Pricing & Payment

How Much I Need to Pay?

Our prices are reasonable as compared to any other service in the market. If you want to know your project financial estimate, please have a chat with customer support and clear up your doubt. 

What Types of Payment Do You Accept?

Our forms of payments accepted are:

– Payoneer (https://www.payoneer.com)

– TransferWise (https://wise.com)

Can I Ask for a Refund?

Yes, we 100% payback to our clients. If our experts don’t work by employing the client’s instructions, we fully refund the customer because our clients’ satisfaction and trust is our goal, not trapping their money. 

We are committed to the right of full refund, to communicate directly with techno invention founder: ahmedtareq@technoinvention.com
